A Self-Care Mindset During Stressful Times

We live in a society where anyone and everyone’s ideas are widely promulgated, especially throughout all forms of the media. One of the first things we often do when we wake up is “check in” to see what is going on in the world. Some of us read the newspaper, others turn on the television to watch the news. Others check their phone and scroll through to catch up on what people are saying about others and the world.

It is important to recognize that what someone says or does in one country is no longer privately exclusive to those people, but is public knowledge to the world, which can impact decisions made elsewhere and then trickle throughout our planet.

This same philosophy is true for the microcosmic worlds that each and everyone of us live in. What we say or do, doesn’t just have an effect on us, but also influences other lives, which can have a lifetime effect and set the tone or even foundation for their personal states-of-mind and the decisions they make.


Unfortunately, a lot of what we see these days triggers the antithesis of a happy and peaceful state of mind and sends us reeling into a fight or flight response where we are taxed on a daily basis, shouldering the burden of unnecessary chronic stressors. Despite being inundated with messages of hate, violence, fear, sickness, death, division, and mere uncertainty for what tomorrow brings, there are practices that you can put into place to move forward toward a life of peace, happiness, and fulfillment.


From my experience working with parents, educators, and children for over two decades, I have come to realize the importance that lies in understanding and strengthening our intra- and interpersonal “emotional intelligence” and owning the impact that we have individually and collectively as communities on other people’s psyches (especially young people) and their overall mind-body-spirit development.

With that said, there is an amalgam of factors that contributes to how we think, perceive our world, analyze, judge, and evaluate our surroundings. One of the first steps we must take to grow our world in the direction we ideally envision, is to “clear out the weeds” so to speak. We must remove any (mis) perceptions or pre-conceived notions we may have and allow for new ideas and ways of thinking to penetrate and foster our minds – without imposing judgment on them as “right or wrong.”

When we turn our attention onto daily actions that are in our control to make a positive difference in someone’s life, we will no longer be “waiting on the world to change” (as John Mayer wrote). We will no longer sit back and watch “who will make the next move” or put our faith in one person or group to be the savior from all of our problems.


Much of this may seem like common sense understanding to you as to how we should act in accordance with others in our world. However, we must realize that the choices we make are inherently dictated by what we know (or for that matter “don’t know”) and believe to be our personal truths.

If you can take a step back for just a moment and cut yourself some slack to realize that knowing that you don’t have everything figured out in life is perfectly okay. There is no shame or weakness in realizing that your beliefs may be limiting and being open to new possibilities. Your awareness of your own thinking processes opens up even greater opportunities for growth and deeper understanding throughout your life. And no matter where life has brought you, there is plenty of time to learn, innovate, and grow yourself into the person you wish to become.

This transformational shift starts by keeping an open mind and being aware that where your attention goes, your energy flows and becomes your state of mind. This principle does not deviate from person-to-person and does not discriminate based on age, gender, race, ethnicity, etc.


Now that I’ve laid out the premise for what is needed to effectively make positive change in your life, here are three actionable steps that you can take today that will help make that change and positively shape your outlook on life through uncertain and tumultuous times.

1. Live in a state of gratitude and appreciation. – Before you rise out of bed each day, give thanks for at least five things you are grateful for in your life. Say them with feeling and utter conviction. Repeat the process before you go to sleep for the day.

2. Surrender yourself to a higher power. – I firmly feel that the problems that we deem ours are part of a grander plan. Giving your problems to that higher power (God, Source, Universe, etc.) to figure out is a big part of self-care and having faith that there is a greater plan at work for our greater good.

3. Separate yourself from your body, surroundings, and time. – This strategy may be the most challenging of the three. This requires your mind to sit still and go from an active beta brain wave activity to an alpha or theta) brain wave functioning where you are not focusing too hard on any one particular thing, but rather feeling this wakeful relaxation. Personally, I enjoy doing Tai Chi and Qigong in my basement, while listening to meditation music in a frequency around 432 Hz, which resonates with Earth’s natural frequency. I would encourage you to take up some form of meditation on a regular basis. Start small and slow, yet remain consistent.

When you are “no one”, “no where” in “no time,” you are inviting a new consciousness to arrive and guide you toward healing and self-awareness like never before.

For a complete guide to help you and your family’s overall well-being during these challenging times, from all things healthy home to eating, moving, sleeping, and thinking well strategies, grab a free copy of my 25-page WHOLE LOTTA LIVING GUIDE here.

Other helpful resources: How to be patient: building calm composure

Work with me personally! I am currently open to clients for one-on-one coaching sessions. Click here for more information on my personal coaching sessions that will help you regain balance, joy, and happiness in your life, all while handling your current state of affairs. You can e-mail me at: info@doughaddad.com

Feel free to check out my program “30 Days to Finding You” where I walk you through my 10-Step Personal Happiness Formula that you can apply specific to your lifestyle, starting today. Click here to learn more.

Wishing you to stay mentally and physically healthy and strong!

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Helping Your Child Stay Engaged and Organized During COVID Times in Education

This time in history is unlike any other where students across the nation are being taught by their teachers from home for an extended time frame, and coming to school wearing a protective mask, all while practicing social distancing and superb hygiene.

This past spring, students in the U.S. engaged in distance learning and were asked to self-regulate, manage their schedule, attend all of their online classes, stay organized, find a quiet place at home and remain focused, all while completing their assignments on a regular basis – with minimal, if any, face-to-face instruction from their teachers.

This school year, many school districts across America decided to slowly reintroduce students back into the classroom by engaging in the hybrid learning model (where students split their time between online and in person learning). As a middle school teacher, I can speak to the challenges that we face as educators in trying to reach all of our students (which now include a number of full distance learners) and connect with them to develop meaningful relationships. 


Teachers have been trained and equipped with a plethora of technological tools to try and best engage students in learning. However, they are posed with the added challenge to simultaneously manage students in their classroom, while also managing a group of students online. The analogy I liken it to is a wry, darkly humorous one. So please bear with me and hopefully you get a laugh out of it. At the same time, you will begin to realize the reality that educators these days are faced with on a day-to-day basis.

Teachers have become the all-in-one package overnight. Whether they dreamed about it or not, they have become the host of their own live show (teacher-directed learning – in large part) – doing more talking to their students, while searching for moments to take a breath and rest their constant vocal projections through their mask. They have also become content creators of brand new, untested, dynamic, largely technology-based lesson plans, as well as production managers (getting all of the tabs up and ready to go in a certain sequence when presenting the lesson), sound engineers (for best microphone pickup), webcam choreographers (best angle, both static and dynamic views), technology specialists/troubleshooters (being able to navigate tech issues on the fly), supervisors (of both online and in person learners), mental health counselors (being able to gauge if anyone is feeling anxious/uncomfortable – especially in person with long durations of wearing masks, while not being able to read their facial expressions due to their masks) and having only one-take as they give their entire being to their best performances for their students who appear on their screens as if they were “The Brady Bunch” on steroids (a.k.a. the online students) viewed in their tic-tac-toe-like tiles.

Now, it is up to the teacher to engage these students at home, while also getting them to interact with the “live in studio audience” participants (in class students) as best as possible. It is quite the sci-fi experience that no teacher or student could have ever dreamt of and live this each and every day, in “the land of uncertainty” not knowing where all of this is headed. Please let me know if I missed something in our new job description (which is always in flux anyhow)!

In the meantime, parents are busy on so many fronts – trying to make a living, putting food on the table, helping with the “distance learning” and keeping it all together in their own lives during these challenging times. Despite the challenges that we all face, it is important to be a source of strength and stability for our children. With that said, below are some tips to keep your child engaged and organized throughout the school year.


1. Get a child into a routine early on.

Routine is paramount to success. Students should be going to bed and getting up close to the same time each day during the school week. It is important for children to obtain the recommended amount of sleep each night for their age. Furthermore, there shouldn’t be any electronic use at least one hour prior to sleep. It would be best to remove electronics from the bedroom in order to prevent any blue light cognitive arousal, which would disrupt their melatonin secretion and could lead to inadequate sleep. Also, eating a well-balanced breakfast rich in all of the food groups will provide a child with the energy they need to sustain them through the day. 

Benefits of getting a child into a routine:

  • Reduced stress – when a child has a predictable daily routine, they feel safe and secure, which puts them at ease. 
  • Increased self-esteem and confidence – knowing what to expect can boost a child’s confidence and feeling of being in control of the situation. It allows them to know what tasks need to be accomplished and by when.
  • Better time-management and self-discipline – routine, by design, promotes a schedule and habits of practice that tend to generate positive outcomes (e.g. washing hands before you eat, brushing teeth after you eat a meal, doing homework the same time each day, etc.)
  • Promotes healthy lifestyle habits (eating, exercising, sleeping, and thinking well)
  • Improves quality family time – engaging in a family game, movie night, arts and crafts project, walk in the neighborhood, family chores, etc.

2. Take frequent study breaks.

Typically speaking, frequent breaks help students get mentally and physically recharged. It is also an opportunity for kids to socialize with their peers. Nowadays, these breaks at school are coined “mask breaks” and involve kids being at least six feet away from their peers. However, for distance learners at home, this can help alleviate some of the mental fatigue and frustration associated with being in front of a computer screen for so long. It can also help children better self-regulate.

Ultimately, these study breaks can prevent the often dreaded “homework struggles” from ensuing between many parents and their children. These breaks can be physical in nature such as playing, running around, or could just be relaxing, such as listening to or playing music, drawing, singing, or doing a quiet activity such as reading a pleasure book (anything that doesn’t involve more screen time). 

3. Sign your child up for at least one virtual extracurricular activity.

Parents can contact their child’s school and ask what clubs or activities your child can get involved in. Many children these days are experiencing feelings of loneliness. Thus, being able to facilitate a child’s social-emotional well-being by helping connect them with their peers and make friends is so important for their mental health (especially these days). For example, there may be opportunities for your child to start a virtual club at their school and make those social-emotional connections that are much needed.

4. Stay in contact with your child’s teacher on a regular basis.

If your child is in elementary school, they most likely don’t have a school email and oftentimes parents are the ones who are reaching out to the teacher on behalf of their child. However, when a child reaches middle school (definitely high school), this is a great opportunity for them to take the initiative to regularly communicate with their teachers regarding questions about homework assignments or seeking extra help.

Making that connection with your child’s teacher(s) will reduce your own stress levels, provide clarity on the class rules, expectations, and routines and will help everyone be on the same page to help create a caring and safe community to best help your child to reach their full potential.

For a complete guide to help you and your family’s overall well-being during these challenging times, from all things healthy home to eating, moving, sleeping, and thinking well strategies, grab a free copy of my 25-page WHOLE LOTTA LIVING GUIDE here.

Work with me personally! I am currently open to clients for one-on-one coaching sessions. Click here for more information on my personal coaching sessions that will help you regain balance, joy, and happiness in your life, all while handling the current state of affairs. You can e-mail me at: info@doughaddad.com

Feel free to check out my program “30 Days to Finding You.” I walk you through my 10-Step Personal Happiness Formula that you can apply specific to your lifestyle, starting today. Click here to learn more.

Wishing you to stay mentally and physically healthy and strong!

How to Raise Kids Who Can Stand Up to the Peer Pressure in School

Going to school for many kids is like going to war each and every day. It is a battleground where they are faced with the responsibility of making all kinds of decisions and having to deal with the consequences of their actions.

You see, making decisions independently is hard enough for a child. However, when faced with pressure from their peers to make a decision one way or the other, it becomes a whole new ball game.

There are so many more pressures that kids face today than ever before in history. The traditional pressures of smoking, drinking and drugs continue to pervade our society. But these days children have to engage on two different fronts: making wise decisions in person, and while using technology in the cyberworld, in particular on social media.

As a middle school teacher of 20 years, I have seen the evolution of challenges and the social pressures and expectations that kids face. Peer pressure to look and act a certain way, say the right things to be accepted into the “in-crowd,” play the “cool” games everyone else is playing, wear the latest designer clothing brands everyone else is wearing, and — nowadays — partake in the social media forums everyone else is taking part in. [Click here to read the full article] – originally published for www.afineparent.com

To an Empowered Future Leader of the World!

Six Things to Ditch This New Year


s you reflect back on your Snapchat year in review, you may be wondering what to expect for the New Year. This past year proved to be a time of change for our country. We experienced a fluctuation between what some may consider a loss of semblance for dealing with prominent issues, while others would claim it to be a long awaited bolster in our economic infrastructure.

While uncertainty continues to persist (and when doesn’t it) for the future of our country, void of any major catastrophes, you should be poised for an extraordinary year ahead. In order to stake your claim and position yourself to accomplish your goals and take your life in the direction you envision, there are some housecleaning items that you must square away to best leverage yourself for a healthy and happy New Year!


1. Toxic Chemicals in Your Home

Set your home up for success. Don’t wait for someone to come down sick or for something to rear its ugly face and go wrong and then decide to do something about it. I live in a community that possesses a number of known chemicals in the water that are cancer-causing, which, I may add, really challenges my ability to pronounce correctly, such as bromodichloromethane, chloroform, chromium, dibromochloromethane, and a variety of trihalomethanes. It is important to know what you are consuming on a regular basis and be aware of your options for clean drinking water. I am currently researching various high quality home water filtration systems that not only remove heavy metals, asbestos, coliforms and other contaminants leached into the water, but also the above mentioned carcinogens and this is something I highly recommend you look into as well, especially if you have city-treated water. I do welcome your advice if you have recommendations for an effective system that satisfies these needs.

If you have a furnace filter, check it monthly and change it when it gets dirty. This will help extend the life of your furnace and save money on your utility bills. Choose alternatives to plastics where you can, and go glass for storage as much as possible. Try and avoid Teflon (non-stick) cookware or at least turn down the heat when cooking with these products. Non-stick cookware is made using a carcinogenic chemical known as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). When you cook with a non-stick pot or pan, harmful fumes are released, especially when pans overheat, which are toxic to the body.1

Furthermore, choose furniture that doesn’t contain flame retardant chemicals that are endocrine system disruptors. To keep your home clean, avoid using mainstream cleaning supplies. You can use white vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice (to name a few) that will do the job. It’s cheap, effective, environmentally friendly and non-toxic.

2. Unhealthy Eating Habits

We all know that this is the time of year where we are coming off those family and work-related holiday parties where all the goodies from cookies to cakes and other pastries were readily available at your fingertips. It is amazing how we, as a society, are addicted to sugar in all its forms. The American Heart Association recommends a limit of 6 teaspoons a day of sugar for women and 9 teaspoons for men, yet we tip the scale by consuming between 20-24 teaspoons a day, on average.2 With all the added sugars hidden in food, we are consuming more than we ever have before in history, which experts claim is a large contributor to the obesity crisis.

In general, limit or avoid foods that contain corn syrup, corn sweeteners, and a multitude of sugar molecules ending in “ose” – such as dextrose, sucrose, maltose, glucose, fructose. Long story short, limit purchasing processed foods that come in a box and consume whole food products.

3. Toxic People

It is easy to get caught up in other people’s dramas and pulled into their quagmire of problems.  However, as American writer and political activist Charles W. Chesnutt once proclaimed, “There’s time enough, but none to spare.” Who you spend your time with and how you spend your time and focus your energy will determine your state of mind and direction of your life.

Don’t be afraid to establish healthy boundaries with others and set the record straight once and for all. Toxic people aren’t looking out for your best interests. They are motivated by their own fears and spider web of troubles and can easily draw people in and entangle them into their crises. They will give you a lot to be angry, guilty, and sad about (if you let them) and wouldn’t mind for you to jump on board their “Misery Train.”  It may not be easy to simply dismiss these people from your life, but putting up and maintaining boundaries is the first crucial step and surrounding yourself with uplifting, positive, and happy people will help you ultimately break free.

4. Negative Thinking

The beauty of a New Year is that we get to hit the refresh button all over again and refocus our mind, body, and spirit with a renewed and positive outlook on life. The only problem is that 95% of our thoughts today are exactly what they were yesterday and 80% of them are negative. My solution to that is to lay it all out in the open. Some people can clear their minds by talking it out. Others meditate, some hit the gym, while others take a walk and focus on what they are grateful for. Personally, I’ve noticed that writing down my thoughts and how I feel can be extraordinarily powerful.

My suggestion to you is to take your thoughts, both positive and negative, and write them down on paper. One at a time. Go ahead…beat yourself up, praise yourself, express any and all thoughts down on paper about anything and everything that you feel. Cut out each one separately and read it out aloud to yourself. I would do this in a private setting so you can be free to express with complete truth and expression as to how you are feeling.

After you’ve read one, place it either in the “to keep” pile or “to discard” pile. For the ones you don’t want to keep, put them in a frequently visited place in the house to serve as a constant reminder of all the good in your life. Take the ones you want to discard and tear them up, one at a time, and throw them in the garbage – to rid once and for all. Whether it be a relationship, an unfulfilled or failed goal, or someone who has wronged you, you need a sense of closure to these matters in order to truly move forward and close the door on these chapters of your life. We all do!

5. Excuses

Ah, excuses, excuses, excuses! What better means to justify why we should have that piece of cake we know is bad for us or why we can’t make it to the gym again today. Yes, I will admit…guilty as charged!  It is easy to blame someone or a situation for why you didn’t do, did do, should have, or shouldn’t have done this or that.

First off, be honest with yourself and second off, give yourself a break. Be kind to yourself and talk about what you want to accomplish, the obstacles that may get in your way, and formulate a plan to achieve your goals. If you don’t know  by now, I’m a big fan of  the paper and pencil. Writing down your goals on paper is about gaining a vision and holding yourself accountable for your actions. It also turns the obscure into something real and palpable.

6. Phone

Yeah, I know… leaving your phone behind is like “Mission Impossible” these days. Everywhere we turn these days, it seems as if someone is making a text, talking on the phone, checking the weather, reading an article, listening to music, hanging out on social media somewhere…all on our electronic gadgets.

Although phone use has pervaded into an overwhelming and exhausting portion of our daily activities, perhaps of greater concern is the effect that cell phone use has on the quality of our interactions with others. Research has shown that having electronic devices out when spending time with someone sends a nonverbal message of devaluing the person you are with, by answering the call or responding to the text. People have more meaningful conversations and report higher levels of trust and empathy when they speak with people who do not attend to their devices during the conversation.3  The moral of the story – we all know of course – is to limit time spent on social media and overall electronic use and do something that will enrich our lives and the quality of our relationships with those individuals we are actually spending time with, in person!

For a complete guide to help you and your family’s overall well-being, from all things healthy home to eating, moving, sleeping, and thinking well strategies, grab a free copy of my 25-page WHOLE LOTTA LIVING GUIDE here.

If your New Year’s goal is to regain balance, joy, and happiness in your life, all while handling life’s day-to-day responsibilities, or you know someone who is interested to take their life to greater heights this year, check out my new program “30 Days to Finding You.” I walk you through my 10-Step Personal Happiness Formula that you can apply specific to your lifestyle, starting today. Click here to learn more. 

To a Healthy, Fearless, and Fulfilling New Year!


 1. “Non-Stick Cookware Dangers: Hundreds of Scientists Issue Warning.” Mercola.com, articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/06/03/non-stick-cookware-dangers.aspx.

2. Sugar 101, www.heart.org/HEARTORG/HealthyLiving/HealthyEating/Nutrition/Sugar-101_UCM_306024_Article.jsp#.

3. “Can You Connect with Me Now? How the Presence of Mobile Communication Technology Influences Face-to-Face Conversation Quality.” Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0265407512453827.

Three Steps to Living the Life You Imagine

when you wake up in the morning, how do you feel? Exhausted? Dreading to get up and go to work? Or do you feel invigorated and ready to go for the day? Why is it that some people feel energized and excited to take on the world most days and others are on auto pilot, feeling like they are doing the same old same old, just another day? Personal development coach Jim Rohn once said that the big challenge of life is, “You can have more than you got because you can become more than you are.” The other side of the coin is, “Unless you change who you are, you will always have what you got.”

The three steps I am going to share with you have helped me in my personal and professional life and can work for you. No matter what phase of life and situation you are presently in, taking these three steps can catapult you from where you are to where you want to be and who you want to become.

1. Know Your Outcome

Not everything in life warrants knowing an outcome. However, if you are looking to make a significant change, grow, and make progress in some area of your life, you must know the result you are looking to obtain.

For instance:

  • When you go to work each day, do you have an outcome in mind as to the difference you want to make?
  • When you speak with your children, do you have an outcome as to what you want them to take away from the conversation?
  • If you are looking to get a better job, do you know what you are looking to get out of the job and how you want to feel?
  • If you are looking to get into better shape, do you know what that exactly looks like?

2. Know Your Why 

So the million dollar question is: “How do you go from where you are today to where you want to be?” My answer is simple: by deciding on the person you want to become. We are all pulled in a bunch of directions each day and can easily be influenced by our environment. It all starts by having a foundation of purpose set firmly in place. From there, everything else in your life can be constructed. How strong you build that foundation is determined by the amount of work you are willing to put into your personal development. That means your thoughts, your actions, your core beliefs about yourself, others, and the world around you. By doing this, you will attract like amount in success. This goes for everything in your life. Success at your work, success in your finances, success in your relationships, success in your health… you name it!

3. Set Goals and Take Action

How many times in life have you daydreamed about having more or improving your life in some fashion?  Maybe you wondered how you could have a better relationship with your significant other or your child. Or you are trying to figure out how to attract the right person into your life and live happily ever after. Maybe you look at yourself in the mirror and aren’t happy with what you see and need to lose some weight and get your health in order. No matter what you desire, the question that will determine whether you take action or not is, “What is your plan?”

Having goals written down is a crucial step that will help you achieve your desired outcome. In the beginning, setting goals is fun. It’s a challenge most people look forward to going after. But as time goes on, you will be tested to see if you will stay on track and go the distance. This is where most people fail. Just think about most New Year’s Resolutions that are made and how quickly they are broken.  Why is that? Very simple.

Equation for failure = NO OUTCOME + NO PURPOSE + NO GOALS + NO ACTION

So when you know your outcome (what results you desire), you know your why (what your purpose is for doing this), and then you go ahead and set goals (dreams with a deadline) and  take action (on a consistent basis), you are on your way to living the life you imagine. Your ultimate challenge in this quest for a better life is to appreciate what you have at this very moment and “fall in love” with the process along the way. There is no doubt that to achieve anything of value, you will be tested emotionally and physically. Now it’s time to get started!

In my program “30 Days to Finding You.” I walk you through my 10-Step Personal Happiness Formula that you can apply to your life and implement these principles to ensure that you stay the course and achieve your dreams. Click here to learn more.

To A Happier and More Fulfilled YOU!