Resources for Parents for Every Stage of Child Development


Your Child’s Mental Health

Have your child’s emotions or behaviors changed recently? Has this change persisted for more than a week or so? Provided is a link to resources to help you detect the warning signs of mental health challenges. Included is a free, evidence-based assessment and report for children 2-12 that contains actionable tools to support your family’s wellness. With the amount of stressors that many families have experienced in the past few years, it’s more important now than ever to check in with your child’s mental health for the sake of your child and your family. The tips in the following link from Slumberkins can help:

Your Child’s Mental Health

Encourage Healthy Habits

Teaching kids to like vegetables, keep themselves healthy, and avoid too much screen time isn’t
easy. However, these tips can help.


Baby Bottle Tooth Decay (Bottle Rot)
Healthy Habits to Master in Your Baby’s First Two Years
Want Your Child to Eat (Almost) Everything? There Is a Way
The Top Three Snacks to Have in Your Kitchen
Personal Hygiene Habits to Teach Your Child

Make Learning Fun

The more engaged a child of any age is, the more they’ll retain when they’re learning or trying
new things.

Use the lessons and resources below to keep your children engaged and learning:

25 Activities for Reading and Writing Fun
Storm Spotting for Children: At-Home Meteorology
Calculus Games for Teens
10 Hands-On History and Geography Activities for Kids
Encourage Your Child by Going Back to School Yourself

Stick to a Routine at Every Age

Routines are instrumental in raising well-rounded and healthy kids. However, each stage requires new strategies for keeping to a routine that works.

How to Establish a Morning Routine for Kids That Actually Works
7 After-School Routine Ideas That Experts & Parents Swear By

Adapt to Keep Your Child Safe

Safety is every parent’s top priority. However, ensuring that your child is safe can mean something different at each age. From infancy through toddlerhood and beyond, here’s what you need to
know to avoid danger.

Child Safety: Keeping Your Home Safe for Your Baby
How to Give Your Kids Freedom in a Dangerous World
Teaching Children to Confront Bullying

There aren’t any shortcuts for raising confident, well-adjusted, healthy kids. Yet there are nuggets of valuable advice everywhere you look. Starting with these top tips can help you navigate the
challenges of each stage of development — and enjoy the adventure, too.

Resources Contribution by Jason Kenner and

Work with me personally! Are you looking to gain more clarity, balance, peace, joy, and happiness in your life, all while effectively and efficiently handling your current day-to-day state of affairs? I am currently open to new clients for one-on-one coaching sessions. Click here for more information on my personal coaching sessions. You can e-mail me at: [email protected]

To your social, emotional, mental and physical well-being!

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